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December Ebor Fitness Gym Challenge

Who is gonna earn that extra piece of Christmas Cake by taking part in our 20 day Christmas Advent Calendar Gym Challenge?

This month we are challenging our Ebor Fitness Members to see how many kettlebell goblet squats they can do over the 20 days leading up until Christmas.

  1. Stand holding the kettlebell by the horns close to your chest. This will be your starting position.

  2. Squat down between your legs until your hamstrings are on your calves. Keep your chest and head up and your back straight.

  3. At the bottom position, pause and use your elbows to push your knees out. Return to the starting position, and repeat for as many repetitions as you can.


*Weight of kettlebell to use 16kg Females & 20kg Males

*Only one set per day

*You can do one set everyday for 20 days

*Most reps over the 20 days will be the winner

*Member of staff to verify your sets

*No half reps

Are you up for the challenge????

Our overall winner will receive a 5kg lean meat pack kindly donated by Malcolm Michaels Quality Butchers Ltd who are based in Leeds City Centre Market.

Give their Facebook page a like to keep updated on the latest deals

Congratulations on our November gym challenge winner Jake Burley who completed 26 reps in one set of strict pull ups and wins with the most reps completed in one set. Well Done Jake.

Best of luck to everyone this month

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